
Notes to self and others

Unix Access Control Lists: setfacl

A short primer Want to give the www user write access to certain directories without changing ownership? Why? I can't chown without being root. And I want to deploy stuff as a regular user. I also don't want the www user to have write access to more than it needs to, and certainly not to the code itself! So I use ACLs to grant access to cache ...

Archivy in supervisord: How to daemonize it

I wanted to run Archivy under supervisord. I installed it locally under its own user. $ pip install archivy It worked fine when running it manually, but under supervisord it could not find its main python module. Here's what fixed the problem $ cat /usr/local/etc/supervisord.conf [program:archivy] command=/home/arch/.local/bin/archivy run ...

smtp-sink: grab all the mail!

I was recently asked if there's such a thing that can act like a mailserver and just save everything that comes in, and send nothing out. Turns out, Postfix has exactly such a thing, called smtp-sink. This is a small command-line utility that will listen on a port and accept incoming emails and save them to disk. The following command will li ...

ssh-agent and login managers: Set your own socket

For the longest time I just ran `eval ssh-agent` in the console prior to starting a GUI, but I sometimes need/want to use a graphical login manager, and this created a problem with setting/keeping the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable across applications in the GUI. I needed a better way, and I wanted a simple one. This solution is based on an ...

jotta-cli: Making sense of it all

I wanted to back up my workstation to Jottacloud, and they make a command-line tool called jotta-cli which supports a number of operating systems. The documentation, on the other hand, leaves a few things to be desired. I've read the docs so you don't have to! Install Download the appropriate package from their website or use your favorite pack ...